IFU Database
Terms of Use
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The ChoiceSpine eIFU website provides you with Instructions for Use (IFU) and other related information for various products from ChoiceSpine. This website is intended for Healthcare Professionals only.
If you require a hard copy of any IFU document, request it from our Sales Support department by emailing salessupport@choicespine.com Monday through Friday from 8:00 am EST to 5:00 pm EST and we will mail a free, hard copy within seven (7) business days upon receiving the request. Minimum browser requirements are as follows: Chrome v89, Safari v14, Edge v89, Firefox v86, Opera v73.
WARNING NOTICE: You are about to enter a Private Web Site that is restricted to authorized use worldwide by ChoiceSpine LLC and their authorized agents (“the Company”); it is intended for Healthcare Professionals, and for business purposes only. The actual or attempted unauthorized access, use, or modification of the website and its contents is strictly prohibited by the Company. Unauthorized users and/or unauthorized use are subject to criminal and/or civil penalties in accordance with applicable domestic and foreign laws. The use of this website may be monitored and recorded for administrative and security reasons. If such monitoring and/or recording reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, the Company may provide the monitored evidence of such activity to law enforcement officials. You hereby also agree to the additional terms found in the ‘Terms of Use / Legal Notice,’ which may be accessed via the ‘Terms of Use’ link in the bottom left corner of the website pages.
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